Collin Gosselin Defended by Jon's Ex Colleen Conrad After Kate Gosselin Smear Campaign

Last month, former reality TV star Collin Gosselin spoke out against Kate. It was courageous, and could not have been easy.

He described her abuse and how she institutionalized him against his will. He was not free until Jon received custody.

Naturally, she responded to Collin’s bravery by smearing her son as “very troubled.”

Kate doesn’t tolerate criticism. Meanwhile, Jon’s other ex is speaking out to defend Collin, debunking lies about him.

Collin Gosselin is 19 years old. He is an adult and he can make his own choices — including speaking out about his childhood.

No one was surprised to hear that he described Kate as abusive. At least, no one who followed the story of Kate Plus 8 for years, or saw the videos, or read the reports.

But Kate was clearly furious. So, with Collin off camera and training to become a Marine, Kate hit back with her own statement.

She called Collin a “very troubled young man.”

The implication seems to be that she is accusing him of lying about her.

She accused him of making “complete fabrications” and claimed that Collin was the “violent” one.

For the record, we do not know of any verified diagnosis for Collin except ADHD, which is very common.

And even if one chose to believe Kate’s portrayal of him … the alleged violence would have been at age 11.

Behavioral problems as a tween, especially those following years of alleged abuse by one of television’s worst parents, hardly makes an adult man a liar. But it’s exactly the sort of thing that abusive parents like to say about victims who speak out.

Collin couldn’t defend himself in the public now any more than he could as a child. But Jon stepped up to the plate.

“Regarding these brand new false accusations,” Jon said of Kate.

“It seems clear that even today after not seeing her son since the 6th grade,” he observed, “Kate is unable to control her abusive words towards him.”

“Do not forget that a judge awarded temporary sole legal and physical custody of Collin to his father in 2018,” Jon noted.

“Kate never even showed up to court,” he recalled.

“And,” Jon continued, “never spoke to Collin ever again.” That last part is a good thing. Collin shouldn’t have to speak to her, now or ever.

“At this point, Collin is training to be a Marine in order to serve his country,” Jon pointed out.

“And,” he explained, therefore “is unable to respond to his mother’s callous lies.”

Jon was not the only adult to speak up for Collin. What about Colleen Conrad, Jon’s ex?

Collin lived under Colleen’s roof for years. She has no further relationship ties with Jon, and presumably no incentive to lie to protect anyone. What does she have to say?

“He thrived and was always kind and respectful [and] he never talked back to me,” Colleen wrote on Instagram.

“He was never violent and is far from being considered dangerous,” she described. That is so different from Kate’s claims. “He is there for me when I need him, even bringing me white roses every time he visits.”

“I could tag a multitude of people who have spent time with Collin, and they would all attest to what an amazing person he is,” Colleen reported.

“He has overcome more challenges than any one person should ever have to endure,” she stated accurately.

“Despite being institutionalized for 3 years alone,” Colleen wrote, “with only 3 visits from his mother.”

“And not receiving proper education,” Colleen continued, “he achieved a 4.0 GPA.”

She added: “and won the highest GPA award at his ROTC banquet.”

Colleen gushed: “I’m so incredibly proud of his accomplishments.”

Like Jon, she also noted that Collin was currently in training to be a Marine and could not defend himself.

In Touch Weekly‘s inside source says that Collin “didn’t expect an apology” from Kate “but was hoping for an acknowledgement of his pain.” Her smears against him left him feeling “betrayed.”

Meanwhile, the same source commented: “Kate’s stubborn and when she’s pushed against the wall, she fights back.” We’d express surprise that she’s even like that with her own children, but … that’s truly no shock. Not from Kate.
