Introducing Dana Renown Institute for Health Innovations New Life Sized Holographic Kiosk

July 24, 2020

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Presented by the Desert Research Institute and Renown Health, DANA will help people learn more about the Healthy Nevada Project® and their own unique, genetic health traits

What is the Healthy Nevada Project®? What are the benefits of joining this research study? How can I find out if I carry genes for health risks like heart disease, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome and Lynch syndrome?

What if a holographic avatar, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), could answer all these questions and more?

DANA has all the answers, she is a virtual assistant with “DNA” in her name, presented by the Renown Institute for Health Innovation (Renown IHI), a collaboration between Renown Health and the Desert Research Institute (DRI). This life-sized, holographic avatar will greet individuals outside Renown Regional Medical Center’s Sierra Café, and talk to them about the Healthy Nevada Project, the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study.

Members of the media are invited to meet DANA this morning from 10 a.m. – noon. Please reply to this email or call (775) 691-7308 to coordinate a meet and greet.

“Unfortunately, Nevada ranks among the lowest in the nation for health outcomes—and we are working to change that,” said Anthony Slonim, M.D., D.Ph., president and CEO of Renown Health and president of Renown Institute for Health Innovation. “Through the Healthy Nevada Project® , our goal is to offer genetic testing to every Nevadan interested in learning more about their health and genetic profile. Thanks to this advanced technology, DANA will offer people a personalized explanation of the Project, and help them take the next step to better understand their health, and their health risks, so they can modify their behavior and ultimately, live a healthier, happier life.”

With more than 51,000 study participants enrolled to date, the Healthy Nevada Project® is considered the fastest-enrolling genetic study in the country. The Project is also the first of its kind to return clinical results to study volunteers, which means participants can learn their genetic risks tied to heart disease and certain cancers, as well as lifestyle changes that could potentially help reduce their risk and prevent disease. Furthermore, participants can choose to share their information with their medical provider to improve and enhance their medical care.

“We are always happy to engage with our study participants and look forward to having them meet and engage with DANA,” said Joseph Grzymski, Ph.D., research professor at DRI, principal investigator of the Healthy Nevada Project® and chief scientific officer for Renown Health. “At a time of physical distancing and limiting human contact where possible, using tools like an avatar and AI are important for communicating, whether it be for genetics, vaccinations or other important health information.”

Visitors can interact with DANA through a touch screen (cleaned and sanitized after every encounter) to learn more about the study, enter their contact information and schedule an appointment to join the free genetics study or receive more information about their test results. Kiosk visitors are asked to maintain physical distance guidelines and use the hand sanitizer and Sani Wipes available next to the kiosk.


Renown Institute for Health Innovation is a collaboration between Renown Health - a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California; and the Desert Research Institute - a recognized world leader in investigating the effects of natural and human-induced environmental change and advancing technologies aimed at assessing a changing planet. Renown IHI research teams are focused on integrating personal healthcare and environmental data with socioeconomic determinants to help Nevada address some of its most complex environmental health problems; while simultaneously expanding the state’s access to leading-edge clinical trials and fostering new connections with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Learn more at
