Jesus God, Leah!! - Page 40 - Teen Mom: The Next Chapter

I think when Tonya was raped with a toothbrush on The Challenge, that footage was used in court.

They never went to court.  Tonya filed suit and that suit was settled. The details were not released, which is normal when one side decides to settle, and in this case, MTV settled. MTV's response was pretty disgusting when the suit was initially filed. They pretty much blamed her for baring her breasts, being drunk, and the usual defense claims that tend to come up whenever a victim of rape comes forward.

Not sure if Corey had raw footage or was just trying to show whatever was on TV.

I think Cory was trying for both. What we watched over the two seasons has been pretty damning. I can only imagine what didn't make it on air.

I think Cory was hoping to show the court that Leah is an unfit mother.  Being a drug abuser is not a crime in of itself, but when that addiction compromises the safety and welfare of children, it is not only a crime, but it can be grounds for child abuse or child neglect. Did Jermy tell Cory information about Leah? Is there raw footage of Leah actually abusing her prescription meds or ingesting illegal drugs? If she has ingested illegal drugs, that is a crime. Has she driven under the influence of her prescription meds ? If so, that is a crime. Did she do so with the kids in the vehicle?

I keep reading about this deal MTV made with Leah and her needing to attend rehab in order to secure her spot on this show. Does Cory have information on this deal and was hoping to use that in court as well?

MTV is one nasty bitch. They compromise the safety and welfare of these kids while making $$$$.

Edited August 18, 2015 by GreatKazu
