Macaroni Learning: Grocery Store Busy Book

It's a fantasy of many moms to go to the grocery store alone - without kids in tow. What a luxury to cruise the aisles in peace and linger a little longer in the the ice cream section to discover what fun flavors the two crazy boys from Vermont have come up with!

However, for many of us, this is not our current reality. But that doesn't mean we can't make a trip to the grocery store fun and even a little educational while we're at it!

To keep my toddler occupied and entertained while I shop, we bring along a Grocery Store Busy Book that we made together.

It starts with a small notebook. Personalize your cover. We used patterned Duck Tape. Then decide on the types of pictures that will most likely keep your little one occupied in the grocery store. Choose objects that she can look for as you cross items off your list or items that he can "match." We chose the alphabet, colors, numbers, and pictures of fruit and vegetables for our book. A quick internet search will provide many options for images.

After cutting out each picture, tape one per page in the book using clear packing tape.  (I'm sure glue would work fine for most, but my toddler likes to peel off anything with edges so the packing tape adds a little extra reinforcement!)

Once our book was complete, my cutie could not wait to go to shopping! Here's how we use it at the grocery store.

"Can you find bear that matches the fabric softener?"

"Pick an item in the book and let's see if we can locate it in the store."

"What letter does 'milk' start with?"

Overall, it was a success! No tears shed from either of us! Instead there were lots of laughs and learning and I purchased every item on my list (plus a few extra, but in the name of learning, of course!).  

What creative ideas do you have to use your book?  I'd love to hear your suggestions for keeping this game fresh as we will have to go shopping again someday … soon.
