Meet the AI robot that can tidy your room, sort out laundry

Princeton University developed the TidyBot, a machine that can put away clothes, sort toys into appropriate boxes, and even put trash in the bin.

Engineers discovered that the TidyBot could clean up diverse messes with an 85% success rate in a real-life environment similar to an adolescent’s disorderly bedroom.

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Because everyone’s sense of organising is different, the team applied AI technology to allow users to programme the machine to arrange certain possessions in specific locations.

“It was successful 85% of the time, a tiny decrease from the 91% success rate reported in a simpler lab-based experiment”

“When organising a home, everyone has different preferences for where things go,” said study main author Jimmy Wu, a PhD student at Princeton.

“Deciding where each item goes is one of the most difficult challenges in robotic household cleaning. People’s tastes and cultural backgrounds can have a big impact on their preferences. Someone may prefer clothing in a drawer, while another prefers them on a shelf.”

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Based on this brief list, the machine can deduce where comparable items it encounters should go based on a few instances of where a person wants things to go, such as cans in the recycle, black clothing in the dark laundry pile, and a toy in a drawer.

“Our approach provides a promising direction for developing personalised robotic systems that can learn generalised user preferences quickly and effectively from only a small set of examples,” the scientists write in their paper, which is available as a pre-print on the arXiv server.

“Unlike traditional approaches, which necessitate costly data collection and model training, we demonstrate that LLMs can be used directly off-the-shelf to achieve generalisation in robotics.”
