Michael Jackson's nephew Taj is loosing his patience

Well, maybe this is Taj’s new “job”?

Stan for dead uncle MJ, online, and your rent is paid, or you can live in the pantry of that kitchen we never use!

I believe MJ molested any child he could get away with molesting, and some he couldn’t, without paying out millions. That said, it’s not out of this world, to question the veracity of rumors alleging Taj to be one of his victims.

The reason why the Jackson family appears to be financially parasitic, off of MJ, while living, and his estate, now in his wake, is because this was the dynamic they learned as children.

This dynamic is founded upon exploitation. Joe Jackson exploited his children for profit, hence forcing and /or coercing his kids to carry the burden of financially supporting a family that kept growing, and growing. These children, specifically Michael, were given little to no choice.

In order to accomplish such a feat, Joe AND Catherine taught their children to engage in manipulation, extortion, quid pro quo, deceit, chicanery, and violence. This is perfectly clear when one studies MJ’s grooming of entire families, in order to have unmitigated access to his target du jour, a child. He learned this from the best, his parents. The rest of the Jacksons went on to engage with each other, including the main bread winner, MJ, as enablers and “keeper of the SECRETS”. It was a symbiotic relationship, that unfortunately, rendered them all pretty fucking useless, other than coercing their brother for more money, which apparently, and reportedly, he would eventually concede to, regardless of his previous protestations.

This is all these people know, including ones who went on to flourish professionally, independently, sans Michael’s money... MAYBE. Who really knows?

So I try not to judge this Taj kid too harshly. He is only acting as he has been taught, by those who were taught before him.

This lays on the dead shoulders of Joe Jackson. Poor Catherine only survived as best she could, in a world created by her husband. And Michael? Well, he went on to duplicate his father’s behavior, with variations applied, thereof.

I hope this kid gets a clue, and some excellent therapy. It can really help. I say this as someone who though did not experience this exact dynamic, did experience dysfunction, and am consistently working to unravel shit I never asked to be laid at my feet.
