S20.E20: The Good Girl - Page 2 - Law & Order: SVU

On 4/12/2019 at 11:53 AM, dttruman said:

Now did he know he was the father and he was trying to hide it  and he killed the teacher only because he thought the teacher raped her or did he actually think the teacher raped her and got her pregnant?

My takeaway, after that one conversation between the girl and Benson in the grocery store, was that stepdad/husband killed the teacher because the girl had confided in him (the teacher) about her relationship with her stepdad.  At the time he killed the teacher, their relationship was still a secret and stepdad/husband wanted it kept that way.  I don't think stepdad/husband ever thought the girl (Sorry, never did catch her name!) had been raped by him.

That brings up another point.  I was thinking that the teacher (Sorry, didn't catch his name either.) was a really good friend to the girl.  He could've outed her relationship with stepdad when he was brought in under suspicion himself, but didn't.  But now I don't know that he was such a good friend, after all.  I don't know at what point he knew they were married, but regardless of that ickiness, he did know about their sexual relationship.  Aren't teachers mandatory reporters?

But, who knows?  Maybe the girl was flat out lying about that, too.  She was cagey enough throughout this ep that I'd not take anything she said at face value.  Maybe she hated the guy and wanted him dead.  It's not like the writers filled in much of the details.  I guess they ascribe to the Angela Kang style of writing, that filling in the details would be going "into the weeds."

23 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

And why exactly did they go to the hospital in the first place, it didn’t look like either McKenzie or Garrett were hurt, and the whole conversation at the start between them now seems off given that they weren’t stepfather/stepdaughter but lovers. The more I think about it, the less this episode makes sense.

Didn't the uni at the beginning say he made the decision to bring them in and let SVU sort it out, as one of the involved was a minor?

Yeah, that fight, in hindsight...  I guess married life wasn't all rainbows and unicorns for them. 

21 hours ago, DesertCyclist said:

the stepfather inadvertently opened up a whole can of worms by killing the drama teacher.  What a dumbass.

Seriously.  Because I think that girl could've continued to lie about the circumstances of her pregnancy indefinitely.  And that teacher didn't say anything about the girl's relationship with her stepdad when he was hauled in for rape himself, so...  Even if he had, stepdad could've just whipped out the marriage certificate, so, yeah.  Whole lot of stupid going on in this episode.

21 hours ago, kicotan said:

Observation #2:  Does Benson ask and receive consent before she puts her hands on people or hugs them?  If not, why not?  Are women in law enforcement immune from that basic practice?

Perhaps in an upcoming episode, Benson will be accused of sexual harassment?  Hee!  Because, yes, she is crossing over the line.

18 hours ago, wknt3 said:

Not at all. You are very subtle by SVU standards...

LOL!  Well, low bars and all.

18 hours ago, wknt3 said:

There was even the classic exposition info dump from Carisi!

Whereupon he retreated to his darkened corner to twiddle his thumbs.  We were both right!

1 hour ago, hookedontv said:

I would have slapped Benson’s hand off Of me faster than I could say “ I need more Finn & Carisi!”

LOL.  "I need more Fin and Carisi" has become the coda of every episode this season.  
